Leonardo Aragão



Technology enthusiast, I love developing and learning about new technologies.

Web Developer | Front-end & Back-end

  • Website:
  • Phone:
  • City:
  • Degree: Analyst
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available


Some interesting facts about my work.

Open Source

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support


There will always be one percent missing, so I will always try to keep learning.

HTML | CSS | Bootstrap 99%
JavaScript | React 90%
Java | Spring 95%
PHP | WordPress 85%
Photoshop | Figma 75%
Database | PostgreSQL | MySQL 85%


My experiences during professional growth continue.


Leonardo Aragão

Time-oriented web developer with 3+ years of experience designing and developing website, landing page, blog, online store and user-centric system, from initial concept to polished final delivery.

  • Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
  • lewoaragao@gmail.com


Analysis and systems development

2022 - 2024

Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (UNIASSELVI)

The Systems Analysis and Development course trains professionals capable of developing, analyzing, designing, implementing and updating information systems for various activity sectors. At the end of the course, the student qualifies for the creation of computerized systems. In the job market, the technologist in information systems can work in public and private sector companies, such as Information Technology (IT) and telecommunications companies. It is important for the professional to keep up to date on programming languages and operating environments

Civil Engineer

2014 - 2018

Centro Universitário Farias Brito (FBUni)

The Civil Engineering course at Centro Universitário Farias Brito aims to train professional engineers who will be able to carry out projects, supervise, carry out inspections, issue technical reports, manage and execute civil construction works, such as: houses, buildings, bridges, viaducts, roads , public spaces, etc

Professional Experience

Systems developer

2022 - Present


  • Creation of screens and logic for system improvements
  • Development of solutions to correct problems in administrative and assistance systems, involving front-end, back-end and database
  • Development of integration between systems

Full-Stack Freelance Developer

2020 - Present


  • Website development
  • System development
  • Blog development
  • E-commerce development

IT teacher


Grau Técnico

  • Prepare and organize study material
  • Prepare teaching plan
  • Teach at Higher Level

Programming Logic Monitor I


Centro Universitário Farias Brito (FBUni)

  • Make and organize study material
  • Make a teaching plan
  • Assist the teacher and students
  • Teach for Higher level



Creation and maintenance. Types: portfolio, institutional and landing page.


Creation and maintenance. Types: administrative and assistance management.


Creation and maintenance. Types: personal, corporate, news, travel, entertainment, and educational.


Creation and maintenance.Types: B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer) and C2B (Consumer to Business).


Excelente habilidade técnica: O desenvolvedor demonstrou uma compreensão profunda das ferramentas e tecnologias necessárias para criar um site de alta qualidade.

Henrique Ramos

Grande atenção aos detalhes: O desenvolvedor de site demonstrou uma capacidade excepcional de se concentrar nos detalhes mais minuciosos do projeto, garantindo que cada elemento seja executado com perfeição.

Luiza Nakasone

Habilidade para solucionar problemas: O desenvolvedor de site demonstrou uma grande habilidade para resolver problemas complexos e encontrar soluções criativas para desafios técnicos que surgiram durante o processo de desenvolvimento.

Andrea Breyer

Excelente colaboração: O desenvolvedor de site foi um membro valioso da equipe, contribuindo de forma proativa para o projeto e trabalhando de forma eficaz com outros membros da equipe.

Matheus Nunes

Alto nível de profissionalismo: O desenvolvedor de site trabalhou com um alto nível de profissionalismo, demonstrando um compromisso inabalável com a qualidade e a entrega pontual do projeto.

Marcelo Fernandes




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